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Ore + Wool Wall Hanging Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Ore + Wool Wall Hanging Workshop

Create a beautiful, modern wall hanging for your own home using gold-plated hoops, wool yarn and soft, merino wool roving with Tarah, fiber artist and founder of Ore + Wool. We will cover a few basic skills and will have plenty of time to dive into your creative process. The class includes two macramé gold-plated hoops, 20 feet of yarn and half a pound of wool to make your wall hanging.

Tickets available here.

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Quartz Connection Hoops Workshop with Wild Sol
4:00 PM16:00

Quartz Connection Hoops Workshop with Wild Sol

If you love getting crafty, learning new things, wearing jewelry, and appreciate natural stones, this workshop is for you! This workshop will allow you to connect in a safe, judgement-free, authentic, creative space. Come alone, or invite your most cherished girlfriends and mothers/ aunts/ sister/s. The goal is that you will leave feeling proud, accomplished, and better connected to yourself and those around you.

Tickets available here.

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Bookbinding: Gratitude Journals and Meditation
4:00 PM16:00

Bookbinding: Gratitude Journals and Meditation

Join Kelly Laughlin of Odette Press for an afternoon of bookbinding, reflection, and meditation. How can gratitude writing shift our focus and bring more clarity and joy into our lives? In this class, we'll explore gratitude meditation, the how-to's of bookbinding, and the benefits of a daily writing practice — three amazing tools we can use on the path of self-discovery.

More info and tickets available here.

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Hilton Carter's Wild at Home Book Signing
7:00 PM19:00

Hilton Carter's Wild at Home Book Signing

We’re celebrating Earth Day with a party for the release of Hilton Carter’s new book, Wild at Home. Learn how Hilton got started, found his way via social, and eventually wrote a book. Then it’s on to basic 101 of plant care, a Q & A, and book signing. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, we’ll have them for sale. And you can't have a jungle party without some jungle juice! Cocktails will be served.

Get your ticket today!

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Macro Macrame Workshop with Tarah Boyd
11:00 AM11:00

Macro Macrame Workshop with Tarah Boyd

Our winter window wall hangings by local fiber artist, Tarah Boyd of Ore + Wool, has inspired us to host a Macro Macrame workshop. This class will explore working with roving, how to handle it, and how to make a wall hanging. You will learn a couple basic macrame knots, pattern making, and finishing. Tickets include all materials and snacks & sips. More information and tickets available here.

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Macro Macrame Workshop with Tarah Boyd
11:00 AM11:00

Macro Macrame Workshop with Tarah Boyd

Our winter window wall hangings by local fiber artist, Tarah Boyd of Ore + Wool, has inspired us to host a Macro Macrame workshop. This class will explore working with roving, how to handle it, and how to make a wall hanging. You will learn a couple basic macrame knots, pattern making, and finishing. Tickets include all materials and snacks & sips. More information and tickets available here.

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Gift Wrapping with Crowned Wrapping
4:00 PM16:00

Gift Wrapping with Crowned Wrapping

Crowned Wrapping, a business run by a 9-year-old "kidpreneur," will be in the shop wrapping gifts for charity. Get your gifts wrapped for a small fee and help needy families.

Crowned Wrapping will be accepting unused toiletry items for the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center. 50% of all Crowned Wrapping’s profits will go towards the purchase of items for new residents at the Weinberg Center.

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Jermaine Bell Card-Making Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Jermaine Bell Card-Making Workshop

Come shake off the turkey day doldrums and kick off the holiday season with a fun greeting card session with Jermaine Táron Bell, a graphic designer, community organizer, and founder of the burgeoning stationery and lapel pin line, jtbeezwax. Create your own cards inspired by Jermaine’s work using everyday objects like scissors, construction paper, and glue. 

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Tapestry Weaving Workshop with Clare Nicholls
10:00 AM10:00

Tapestry Weaving Workshop with Clare Nicholls

Local weaver, Clare Nicholls, will be in the shop again with her popular Tapestry Weaving Workshop. Explore the contemplative process of weaving and discover various yarn and fiber types while developing your personal vocabulary of shape, color, and design. Learners receive yarn, a zine full of instructions and inspiration, tapestry needles, and a handmade wooden loom. There are two time options for this workshop: a morning session from 10am-12pm, and an afternoon session from 1pm-3pm. Tickets available here.

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